
Finishing Touch Dental Arts works closely with both the your Dental Office & your Laboratory to ensure the best results for your patient. The services we provide are in-house appointments.


Custom Shade Matching

Custom shade matching is a crucial service that appeals greatly to our clients in the pre-operative stage of restoration and is an essential part of creating natural looking restorations with a high level of detail.

This approach provides detailed shade information with an array of shade guides and professional photography for your laboratory to mimic the fine intricacies of your patient’s natural dentition to ensure consistent results.

All Photographic documentation is relayed to your Dental Office as well as your laboratory.

Length of Appointment - 30 minutes


Ceramic Colourization - Chairside

Matching natural dentition can be extremely challenging.

Custom Staining provides post-op shade adjustments to the restoration with specific stains to match the patients natural dentition.

Upon arrival, the temporary is removed and the new restoration from your laboratory is placed and evaluated intra-orally. We will check the fit, bite and esthetics.

Depending on your specific needs, you can expect your appointment with the ceramist to last between 60 - 90 mins. In certain cases, extra time may be required for multiple customized tints. Our goal is to achieve your aesthetic satisfaction.

Once the appropriate stains are applied, the restoration is then fired in a portable furnace and permanently glazed onto the restoration ready for cementation.

All customization will be done on the same day to ensure your complete satisfaction before final insertion

*for best results we recommend to also book our pre-operative Custom Shade Matching


Ceramic Layering - Chairside

Ceramic Layering offers our clients a more complex solution to more complex issues.

In this layer, specific features may be added to further improve the aesthetics and give the artificial teeth a close to natural look. Special porcelains may be added to mimic a patients natural translucency, anatomy and improve function all achieved with your patient chair-side.


Intra-Oral Scanning

Engage and excite your patients with our TRIOS Intra-oral Scanner.

FTDA takes pride in acquiring the latest technologies that provide our clients with with exceptional results.

Our intraoral scanner is a device that is used to capture a direct optical impression. The scanner projects a light source onto the area to be scanned. The images are captured by imaging sensors and are processed by scanning software, which then produces a 3D surface model.

This 3D Digital Model can be used for Invisalign, Crown & Bridge and Implants.

Length of Appointment - 30 Minutes


Face Mask - Fit Testing

Keep yourself and all your employees safe with our Face Mask fit testing Service.

Faces can vary widely in shape, size and proportion so selecting the correct model is vital for a safe fit. Protection relies on achieving a good seal between the face piece and the wearer’s face.

Qualitative fit testing is a pass/fail test method that uses your sense of taste or smell, or your reaction to an irritant in order to detect leakage into the respirator face piece. Qualitative fit testing does not measure the actual amount of leakage. Whether the respirator passes or fails the test is based simply on you detecting leakage of the test substance into your face piece. This testing is accepted by the OSHA.

Each mask fitting takes approximately - 10 minutes